What are we concerned with?
Currently, we organize projects informal and enjoyble way. Projects that enable travelling trough Europe, finding out European hidden nooks and exceed intercultural barriers. We make projects that anyone from anywhere is able to participate. Because it does not matter what social class we are, what the color of our skin is, if we have a handicap. Everybody is unique but we all should have the same opportunities.
Because we can.
How to join us?
Prospectively we would like to establish cooperation with other people interested in the same subject and people who would like to devote their free time to informal education.
You can reach us via e-mail or come to some project of ours with us!

Petra Setlíková
Many years ago, there was a guy. He came to me and told me: "Last week I took part in a project and there were a lot of interesting people, culture and delicious food. We had such a good time. I learned a lot of new things, instead of sitting on the beach and doing nothing." And this story has begun. Now it is almost 8 years since I started my journey with projects. Now we create our own environment and thanks to Erasmus+, we grow up and share positive energy across the world.
If you come closer, you can feel all the things connected with it.
I enjoy the opportunity to be a part of a group, to shift our boundaries and to reach new points of view on a daily basis, because I think that's the most important part of our lives.
Email: petra(at)youthplus(dot)czZuzana Kapusňáková
I am from a small village in the north Moravia, but I live in Prague for several years now. I am 27 years old and I study Charles University in Prague, course of study: Special education. I started to study this course because I wanted to work with children at child’s home, but I work with mentally handicapped people now and I realized that eventually help and support for people with mental handicap is what I really want to do.
I work in protected housing for mentally handicapped people. My job description is to support these people in every activity in everyday life so they are closer to people’s without handicap life, I help them making their dreams come true and I support their personal development, of course.
Hereafter I write projects for informal education for youth supported by European Union with my colleagues from Youth+ z.s. association.
And well, because I spend a lot of time at work, there is not so much free time for me. If there is, I spend it with my four-legged creatures and two-legged one too. So walking with them is my only sport recently. And there is a small interesting point about me, I actively play darts and I have played a poker for almost 10 years.
Email: zuzana(at)youthplus(dot)cz

Patricie Houžvová
Dr. Loretta Scott said: “We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” So here I am, in Youth+, making all those little translations and promoting things to help girls in making something bigger, in organizing the projects for the youth. When someone helps youth to understand the global problems better, the youth might help with a reduction of the problems.
Email: info(at)youthplus(dot)czPavel Houžva
Web developer. I help to girls with the website and I like riding a bike in my free time.
Email: pavel(at)youthplus(dot)cz