Human Rights to Care
is a training course funded by the Erasmus+ programme that took place in picturesque town Králíky, Czech Republic. The event hosted 24 participants from Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey.
Ideas of Human Rights were enrolled in a long historical development, from the "Magna Carta", 1215 to the present. International and local organizations, treaties, codes, declarations, reports of compliance, trainings, round tables, debates, polls - all in all a created system for one purpose only: Respect for HR. But nowadays, our rights and the system coming to protect them are threatened, there is a global attack on fundamental freedoms. Fears of terror attacks and potential impact of refugee influx led to a scaling back of rights in Europe and other regions. We face the reality of discrimination, violence, terror, racism and the collapse of all the efforts done for a peaceful living.
We consider that now than ever it is important to raise awareness on human rights issues, reaffirm faith of fundamental Human Rights and produce changes in values, attitudes and behavior in today and tomorrow’s generation of youth. We see the need to increase the number of youth workers who are aware of the responsibility towards the rights we are entitled to, and enable them to advocate for strengthened rights protection and promotion in their countries.
So the Human Rights to Care project has come into being. We approached this topic the non-formal educational way. The project equipped youth workers with competences and methods needed for transferring the common fundamental values of our society particularly to the hard to reach young people and preventing violent radicalisation of young people as well. Regarding human rights, together we have broaden our knowledge, increased our capacity to assess, shaped attitudes and after all this, we are enable to share our gained skills with the youth.

Dear Petra,
when I would like to explain my opinions about the project, the first thing I want to say it was interesting because the topic was one of the current world problems. There were useful and instructive discussions with the theatrical workshops. The basic and at the same time, the common problem of each country and culture, discrimination has been handled enough.
Kindly Regards,

I come from the harmonious conditions of ordinary Czech white family living in the suburbs of a large Czech city. There was no one in my neighborhood who would be different. Like most of my friends and peers, until recently I wasn’t very much concerned about human rights and their violations, minorities or otherwise disadvantaged people. I had no reason to. However, the situation has changed with the inclusion of the gypsy girl in our school class. Because she was different, she attracted attention, and later became like her parents the target of unreasonable assault. The whole case was being investigated by the police, but I realized that the whole situation had not happened at all if the Czech society was more tolerant and behaving with greater respect for human rights. The problem, however, is that society does not generally know and care about human rights. The summer course gave me valuable insight into how it is with human rights. I also met great people from many countries with different traditions and experienced with them unforgettable times.
If you would like to add your comment, feel free to contact us by email.
Recently, one of the mainstream issues in the world is lack of Human Rights. In some places this issues are so obvious to see but some not. Do we know our Rights? What are they? Due to answer these questions and more of it, Human Rights to Care had very interesting topic to be part of it. Worth to mention it, project was very fluent and into topic via hands of two well experienced trainers. They managed very well and also participants were so active and curious about topic. When everyone wants to talk and work about it, outcomes always valuable.
In the end i would like to mention that i am very happy and also proud to be part this project and i know more than before, i am more aware of whats going on around world. Thanks to Erasmus+ to provided this chance for us. It was super experience!